Thursday 25 February 2016

Entry #11: Pavement - Wowee Zowee

Now, in my ever so humble opinion, this album is a work of oblique genius.  You have to admire a band who, at the height of its popularity, chooses to release an album that completely curveballs everyone's expectations.

Like most, I expected something that followed the trajectory of 'Slanted' and 'Crooked Rain', so I was initially underwhelmed.  However, this album, in C90 cassette form, would provide the soundtrack to countless journeys and trips, and as it did, the songs started to make sense, the off-kilter melodies, arrangements and lyrics cemented themselves in my consciousness, and the album began to open itself up to me, as it if were rewarding me for my patience and perseverance.

And yes, I later bought the CD. :)

                                                     Pavement : Rattled by the Rush

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