Friday 24 February 2017

Entry #86: Burial - Untrue

The Burial zeitgeist initially passed me by.  I remember lots of hype around his first album in particular, but the bits I heard left me cold and I failed to see what all the fuss was about.  However, fellow user encouraged me to give Burial's music another chance as he was confident that, given my tastes, it would be something I'd like.  So, I gave Burial another go.

Around the same time, I was frequenting a friend's flat where a group of us would gather, listen to music, play video games, drink beer and get high etc.  Typical guy stuff, basically.  Said friend and his then flatmate were both big into Burial, so his music would inevitably figure its way into our sessions, and it was there and then that I finally got it.

Even so, the album I have the most affinity towards is this, the second.  Whilst the first record is also good, I just like this one more.  Its the skilful fusing of two-step Garage beats with his characteristically ghostly, abstract electronic glitter that appeals, and the perpetually nocturnal atmosphere Burial's music generally evokes.

I love listening to this late at night, walking the empty streets with it on my earphones.  I feel like a ghost haunting the sleeping streets of the city; alive in the moment of pure solitude and indestructible tranquillity.  It's almost Zen-like.

Oh, and I absolutely LOVE the song below.  Again, late at night on the streets with not a soul around, it's the best thing ever.

                                                             Burial : Etched Headplate

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