Wednesday 22 June 2016

Entry #53: Sense Field - Building

You may have probably gathered from my other entries, but I'm very particular about when I play music.  Summer music is for summer only, and the same applies for night music, rainy day music and so on.  Sense Field falls squarely into the 'summer' category, but unfortunately, living in a country not particularly known for its sunshine, a lot of my summer music doesn't get played as much as it deserves.

UK summers are brief affairs, if you're lucky, you get a month's worth of nice weather spread across the odd weeks and days between June and August.  I seem to recall summers being longer and hotter in my childhood, but from about 1998 onward, apart from the odd freak year, summers have been disappointing.

I keep telling myself that one day, I'll move to a sunnier climate.

Regarding Sense Field, I was introduced, once again by the same friend who rekindled my appreciation for the Pumpkins and turned me on to Archers of Loaf (even though I haven't seen this guy in nearly 13 years, he has a lot to answer for).  It was during another smoke-filled session, during a brief lull in the music that he piped up with 'Sense Field'.  The album he put on was 'Killed For Less', the record that follows this one.  I was a little underwhelmed at first; what I heard sounded "meh", but it did grow on me, especially as the album went on, but it wasn't until I heard 'Building' (a few weeks later), that I was really impressed.

'Building' is comprised of 13, eminently tuneful, stirring songs that immediately get to the point and never fail to outstay their welcome (if anything, some end a little too soon).  For me, it was very hard not to like this album.  Hearing it recalls sunshine and simpler times and never fails to put me in a good mood, which is a big part of why it has managed to stay with me.

                                                          Sense Field : Shallow Grave

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