Sunday 20 November 2016

Entry #65: Julien Neto - Le Fumeur de Ciel

The music I listen to when I read is very important. It has to fit the mood and must not distract me (making, for instance, hip-hop a big no-no when reading).  I generally tend to go for more ambient or abstract music during reading time as it's non-intrusive and helps me concentrate.

'Le Fumeur de Ciel' was a surprise discovery for me.  Prior to finding it, I'd never heard of Julien Neto, and to this day, he remains somewhat enigmatic and elusive.  Sometime around 2007, I picked up this album from Boomkat after seeing it in one of their regular emails.  I didn't know what to expect, but I admired the beautifully minimal cover art and wanted to hear more.

What I finally heard was a collection of downtempo electronica that is absolutely perfect for reading.  There are evenings where all I want to do is close the curtains on the world, sit in bed with the ambient glow of the bedside light, a good book and some music, and during such times, this album is a regular fixture.  It is perhaps because I have played it so often during such times that it has become an all-time favoruite of mine.

'Le Fumeur' to me sounds like being wrapped in a warm blanket of sound and reminds me of those preciously cosy and intimate moments of alone time that the introvert in me craves, and as the album opens, I gleefully sink into that world, book in hand.

                                                                   Julien Neto : VI

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