Tuesday 25 October 2016

Entry #63: Thomas Dolby - The Flat Earth

I always considered Dolby an interesting artist, albeit one who'd mostly slipped beneath my radar.  I remember hearing a few of his more well known singles on the TV and radio growing up, 'Blinded Me With Science', 'Close But No Cigar' and 'Airhead' being notable examples, but he continued to pass me by for a long time.  Some years later, I came across this album and from the plastic electro-funk of opener 'Dissidents', I knew wanted to hear more.

With only 7 songs, 'The Flat Earth' is a very short album, but one that manages to cover a lot of ground.  What I love about it is the way it sounds very much a product of the early 80s in which it was produced, whilst also sounding ahead of its time.  I credit this in part to the production which is crisp and defined in a manner you would not typically associate with the era. 

Of course, it's not just about production, TFE also has some damn fine songs.  Dolby combines an idiosyncratic approach to pop with remarkable musicianship throughout, and every time I play this album, I am always amazed at just how well put together it is.

                                                          Thomas Dolby : White City

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