Tuesday 5 July 2016

Entry #55: Autechre - Tri Repetae

I first got into Autechre at the close of the 90s through a friend (different from the two previously mentioned throughout this blog).  I was playing him one of my own tracks, and he told me it reminded him of Autechre who were unknown to me at that point.  He later put on Autechre's LP5 and as I was totally blown away.  The muted intro of opener 'Acroyear' exploded into a flurry of rapidfire electronic glitchwork and staccato synths, and with each track, I became more and more impressed with Autechre's uniquely unpredictable style; melodic and relatively accessible one minute, but wildly abstract the next.  I was reasonably familiar with electronica by this point, but Autechre's music was well and truly fresh.

Over the course of a few months, I acquired as many of their albums as I could find, but it was 'Tri Repetae' that really made its mark and stuck with me.  If I was to level one criticism at Autechre's music, it would be that it sometimes has a tendency to meander and lose its way, but this certainly wasn't the case with 'Tri Repetae' which, for me, it is their most consistent record.

I also credit Autechre and -in a large way- this album for being the main influence in a lot of in my own music, which strangely, isn't something I was ever consciously aware of as I was making it.  It has only been in retrospect, when I have gone back and listened to tunes I created 10 or so years ago that I've been able to perceive the way Autechre's sound had informed my own.

So yes, that's pretty much it.  No drawn-out, elaborate anecdotes or personal existential crises to regale this time, just positive words for an album from a group that has arguably helped shaped my musical trajectory possibly more so than anything else on this list.

                                                                   Autechre : Eutow

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